Saturday, April 18, 2009

Spiny Secret

There are unexpected, hidden things everywhere we go. I walked past this unusual specimen on one of my hikes. I stared down at the thing a little repulsed at first, thinking someone had left their half-eaten grape in my pristine path. A quick scan of the surrounding area revealed several of these spotted, tortured grape-things strewn about like fruit confetti. By now I was puzzled and emboldened to poke one with a stick.

Upon shifting one around for a while I concluded that it was neither a grape nor was it a danger to my immediate health. So like any curious nature enthusiast I picked it up for a closer inspection. As you can see it is perfectly round and speckled like a ripening banana. When I turned it over I discovered a window to the inside of this mystery. I almost felt like it transported me to another universe, its tiny sun exploding its rays outward to the reaches. I know, I sound like a Star Trek nerd (no offense, Trekkies).

Normally the pod would have piqued my curiosity even more to the point where I would have dismantled it to ascertain its purpose. I didn't though. It may sound silly, but it felt like this inanimate pod was hiding a spiny secret. If it were ready to reveal its secret to the world it would have split open for all to see. Clearly, this pod-thing fell before its time. I didn't want to be the one to expose its vulnerable insides. I set it back down after photographing it, of course, and went on my way.

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