Thursday, May 20, 2010

Day 1 -Probable Fail.

Day 1 of my gluten-free trial.

Small victory for me! I have had absolutely NO gluten today so far! (Please neglect to notice that is only 6:51 am). VERY small victory. I did manage to resist the toast I made for the boys so I guess it counts.

I will ignore the fact that in my mind I have already failed. I have already given in and stuffed my face with breaded chicken or a tuna fish sandwich, dripping with cheese and onions and lettuce and, OK, I'll stop now. Or breakfast will end up being a delight of carb-induced deliciousness. Desert could inevitably be the intestinal fireworks that have been plaguing me since childhood.

So I have decided that I will try to avoid these little composites that give bread products their chewy goodness. For 2 weeks. I will rebel against the urge to rebel as my nature dictates that as soon as I tell myself that I can't have something my cravings get all military and march right through my resolve. My will-power is covered in muddy boot prints.

We'll see how this goes.

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