Friday, May 21, 2010

Day 2 -For Want of an Onion Ring

So I'm still hanging in there -no gluten has passed my lips, although an onion ring incident today just about sent me over the edge.  

My son and I went to Hardees after his counseling appointment.  It amazes me that nearly everything on the menu worth passing my lips and enduring intestinal discomfort for has wheat something in it or surrounding its juicy goodness.  He ordered a cheeseburger and onion rings.  I ordered the only thing I could find that was not breaded or bunned.  French fries and a milk shake...

-shit, my shake had like 4 bits of cookie dough!  I have been tainted!  Does this mean I have failed?  I really didn't realize...  I'll have to be more careful.  That gluten is a sneaky bastard.  Mini fail.

Anyway, our food arrived and one of his onion rings slipped saucily from its little paper pouch.  It rolled to a stop atop his grease-stained bag and looked at me.  It whispered tendrils of oniony aroma and dared me to take a bite.  My son wouldn't mind.  He loves to share with his momma.  I looked at my basket of limp fries, a poor substitute for the golden rings singing to me from across the table.  I could see in my mind reaching for it: that wayward, rebellious little O.  I could see my mouth opening to invite it in, the explosion of flavor intensity swirling around my tongue. And then I could see the possibility of me running for the bathroom, bloated and groaning.  I scowled and shoved a fry in my mouth.

Dinner was blah.  The boys got to eat chicken cordon bleu mini bites, brussel sprouts, and an orange.  I got Activia and an orange.  I'm hungry again already.  Damn, I wish I had an onion ring...

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