Sunday, May 23, 2010

Day 4- Riding the coaster

Well day 4 a success as well as 1-3 (except for that little mini-fail when I unrealizingly consumed 4 little cookie dough balls).  No gluten today.  And it wasn't so hard, except I am a bit hungry more often.  It could be that I just kept myself busy and quivering in anticipation of the LOST finale.

The morning started out like any other Sunday.  Boys up early, jolting me out of sweet slumber with agonized whines of hunger and requests to play the computer.  Went back to sleep for just a bit until Johnny Test annoyed me out of my craved coma.  Sometimes Netflix is more of a pain than it's worth.  Got up, fed the munchkins, and forgot to eat breakfast myself.

Went out to my partially finished garden and beat the crap out of some more grass clumps.  If mostly dried clumps weren't enough of a pain in my ass, it rained yesterday.  So I wrestled sodden clumps from the saturated soil.  Managed to spear myself a few times on the army of spikes fortifying the rose bush.  Wrestled with the coil of garden edging -I swear it laughed at me as it jumped out of the trench every time I shaped it around the garden curve.  In the end I conquered, sweaty, covered in mud; and the front of my home is much prettier as a result.

I discovered something for lunch!  Tuna fish on rice crackers hides the little crunchies that I ALWAYS find (yes, for some reason little crunchies end up in most of the food I eat -hot dogs, tuna, hamburgers...).  I even sliced up little discs of string cheese to garnish the top.  It seems that with my ban on bread I am destined to eating hors d'oeuvres for lunch.

The rest of the day was a sweltering, melty combination of waiting for LOST and putting out the fires of my younger son's temper.

Then LOST came on.  I have never watched a TV show where I have physically sat on the edge of my seat one moment, pumping my fist in victory, and the next I was curled up in a fetal position crying like a grieving widow.  I ate my customary bowl of popcorn (because that is one food love I haven't had to give up) and rode the roller coaster.  

Had a Pepsi.  

Now I am not tired.

And my water heater isn't working again.  They just "fixed" it.

We'll see what tomorrow brings.

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